Source code for pyatoa.visuals.map_maker

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Map making functionality for the Pyatoa package. Creates Cartopy basemaps
featuring events and stations w/ optional moment tensors
import as ccrs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from obspy.imaging.beachball import beach
from obspy.geodetics.flinnengdahl import FlinnEngdahl
from obspy.core.event.catalog import Catalog

from pyatoa import logger
from pyatoa.utils.form import format_event_name
from pyatoa.utils.srcrcv import gcd_and_baz
from pyatoa.utils.calculate import enforce_angle_pi

[docs] class MapMaker: """ A class to call on the Basemap package to generate a map with source-receiver information """ def __init__(self, cat, inv, dpi=100, figsize=None, figure=None, gridspec=None, corners=None, corner_buffer_deg=2., **kwargs): """ Initiate recurring parameters and parse out a few parameters for easier access """ if isinstance(cat, Catalog): self.event = cat[0] else: self.event = cat self.inv = inv self.kwargs = kwargs # To be filled by initiate() self.fig = None = None # Set up a few useful parameters that will be called repeatedly self.ev_lat = self.event.preferred_origin().latitude self.ev_lon = self.event.preferred_origin().longitude self.sta_lat = inv[0][0].latitude self.sta_lon = inv[0][0].longitude # Used for coordinate transforms between lat/lon and projection self.ref_proj = ccrs.PlateCarree() # Extents is a tuple [lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max] self.extents = self.define_bounding_box(corners, corner_buffer_deg) if figsize is None: figsize = (600 / dpi, 600 / dpi) self.fig,, self.projection = self.initiate_figure( figsize, dpi, figure, gridspec )
[docs] def define_bounding_box(self, corners=None, corner_buffer_deg=2): """ Distribute the corners provided by the user, or determine corners using the event and station locations with a reasonable buffer. :type corners: dict :param corners: dict containing corner points, if None, lat lon values to be determiend by station and receiver locations :type buffer: float :param buffer: if no corners are given, put a buffer of length 'buffer' in units of degrees, around the min and max lat and lon values, to ensure that atleast some extra extent of map is covered. Defaults to 1 deg or roughly 111.11 km. But, if the distance covered between source and receiver is greater than 'buffer', than a quarter that distance will be used as the buffer. Confusing? :type corner_buffer_deg: float :param corner_buffer_deg: size of the bounding box to be generated around the source and receiver, units of degrees :rtype: tuple of float :preturn: [lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max] """ # If no corners are given, provide a reasonable buffer around the # source and receiver locations. if corners is None: # Latitude is easy, just grab values directly lat_min = min(self.ev_lat, self.sta_lat) lat_max = max(self.ev_lat, self.sta_lat) d_lat = max(corner_buffer_deg, 0.25 * (lat_max - lat_min)) # !!! BUG? Using __iadd__ (+=) kept returning NoneType not float # !!! Related to how ObsPy defining types (core/util/obspy_types) lat_min = lat_min - d_lat lat_max = lat_max + d_lat # lat_min -= d_lat # lat_max += d_lat # <<< only lat_max was being affected # Crude scaling for longitude based on max latitude value to get a # roughly square buffer domain around the source and receiver if abs(lat_max) < 23: lon_scale = 1 elif 23 <= abs(lat_max) < 45: lon_scale = 1.4 else: lon_scale = 2.5 lon_min = min(self.ev_lon, self.sta_lon) lon_max = max(self.ev_lon, self.sta_lon) d_lon = lon_scale * max(corner_buffer_deg, 0.25 * (lon_max - lon_min) ) lon_min = lon_min - d_lon lon_max = lon_max + d_lon else: # Parse the corners into usable values assert(isinstance(corners, dict)) # Lower the corner keys to allow for upper and lower key entries corners = {key.lower(): val for key, val in corners.items()} lat_min = corners["lat_min"] lat_max = corners["lat_max"] lon_min = corners["lon_min"] lon_max = corners["lon_max"] lon_max = enforce_angle_pi(lon_max) lon_min = enforce_angle_pi(lon_min) return lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max
[docs] def initiate_figure(self, figsize=None, dpi=100, figure=None, gridspec=None, **kwargs): """ Create a very barebones minimalist (black and white) map to plot data on .. note:: kwargs passed to projection """ axis_linewidth = self.kwargs.get("axis_linewidth", 1.5) proj_str = self.kwargs.get("projection", "Stereographic") # Attempt to grab a plate projection from Cartopy try: projection = getattr(ccrs, proj_str) except AttributeError: logger.warning(f"{proj_str} is not a valid Cartopy CRS projection, " f"setting default value: 'Stereographic'") projection = getattr(ccrs, "Stereographic") # Most major projections use the central_longitude function while only # some require central latitude, so we set that outside the init projection = projection(central_longitude=self.ev_lon, **kwargs) projection.central_latitude = self.ev_lat # Start fig either standalone or tandem with a waveform plot in GridSpec if figure is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) else: fig = figure if gridspec is None: ax = plt.axes(projection=projection) else: ax = fig.add_subplot(gridspec[1], projection=projection) # Since the extents are in Lat/Lon, we set the extent in a lat/lon proj ax.set_extent(self.extents, crs=self.ref_proj) ax.coastlines(lw=axis_linewidth) gl = ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True, dms=True, x_inline=False, y_inline=False, linewidth=.25, alpha=0.25, color="k") gl.top_labels = False gl.right_labels = False gl.xlabel_style = {"rotation": 0} # Axis linewidth is set differently than in Matplotlib, see: ax.spines["geo"].set_linewidth(axis_linewidth) scale_bar(ax, 100, ref_proj=self.ref_proj) return fig, ax, projection
[docs] def source(self, fm_type="focal_mechanism"): """ Plot the source, either as a focal mechanism, moment tensor, or as a simple point, based on the input. .. note:: scale_source kwarg was guessed with trial and error and is based on the guessed returned length from the scale_bar() function defined at the bottom, which tries to guess a reasonable length of the scale bar based on the dimensions of the map :type fm_type: str :param fm_type: choice to plot focal_mechanism: 6 component focal mechanism strike_dip_rake: classic double couple look """ marker = self.kwargs.get("source_marker", "o") color = self.kwargs.get("source_color", "indianred") size = self.kwargs.get("source_size", 75) lw = self.kwargs.get("source_lw", 1.75) scale_source = self.kwargs.get("scale_source", .3) # No focal mechanism? Just plot a marker, self.ev_lat, transform=self.ref_proj, marker=marker, color=color, edgecolor="k", linewidth=lw, s=size, zorder=10) if hasattr(self.event, "focal_mechanisms") and \ self.event.focal_mechanisms: if fm_type == "focal_mechanism": fm = self.event.focal_mechanisms[0].moment_tensor.tensor or \ self.event.preferred_focal_mechanism().moment_tensor.tensor beach_input = [fm["m_rr"], fm["m_tt"], fm["m_pp"], fm["m_rt"], fm["m_rp"], fm["m_tp"] ] elif fm_type == "strike_dip_rake": nod_plane = self.event.focal_mechanisms[0].nodal_planes or \ self.event.preferred_focal_mechanism().nodal_planes # try determine the preferred nodal plane, default to 1 try: sdr = nod_plane[f"nodal_plane_{nod_plane.preferred_plane}"] except AttributeError: sdr = nod_plane.nodal_plane_1 beach_input = [sdr.strike, sdr.dip, sdr.rake] else: raise ValueError("fm_type must be 'focal_mechanism' or " "'strike_dip_rake") # Transform lon/lat to given projection to give to beachball x, y = self.projection.transform_point( x=self.ev_lon, y=self.ev_lat, src_crs=self.ref_proj ) # Guess a width of the focal mechanism that fits nicely on the plot width = scale_source * scale_bar(, length=None, return_length=True, ref_proj=self.ref_proj) b = beach(beach_input, xy=(x, y), width=width, linewidth=lw, facecolor=color) b.set_zorder(11)
[docs] def receiver(self): """ Plot the receiver with a standard look """ marker = self.kwargs.get("station_marker", "v") color = self.kwargs.get("station_color", "forestgreen") size = self.kwargs.get("station_size", 75) lw = self.kwargs.get("station_lw", 1.5), self.sta_lat, transform=self.ref_proj, marker=marker, color=color, linewidth=lw, s=size, edgecolor="k", zorder=10)
[docs] def connect(self): """ Plot a connecting line between source and receiver """ ls = self.kwargs.get("srcrcv_linestyle", "--") lw = self.kwargs.get("srcrcv_linewidth", 1.5) lc = self.kwargs.get("srcrcv_color", "k")[self.ev_lon, self.sta_lon], [self.ev_lat, self.sta_lat], transform=self.ref_proj, linestyle=ls, linewidth=lw, c=lc, zorder=8)
[docs] def annotate(self, location="lower-right", anno_latlon=False): """ Annotate event receiver information into bottom right corner of the map TODO figure out where to put definition of 'location' :type location: str :param location: location of the annotation block, available: 'upper-right', 'lower-right', 'upper-left', 'lower-left', 'center' :type anno_latlon: bool :param anno_latlon: annotate the latitude and longitude values of the source and receiver next to their markers. Not always very clean so defaults to off. """ fontsize = self.kwargs.get("anno_fontsize", 8) location = self.kwargs.get("anno_location", "lower-right") ok_locs = ["lower-right", "upper-right", "lower-left", "upper-left", "center"] assert location in ok_locs, f"location must be in {ok_locs}" # Determine the location of the annotation if location == "center": x = y = 0.5 ha = va = ma = "center" if "lower" in location: y = 0.01 va = "bottom" elif "upper" in location: y = 0.97 va = "top" if "left" in location: x = 0.05 ha = ma = "left" elif "right" in location: x = 0.95 ha = ma = "right" # Collect some useful information event_id = format_event_name(self.event) sta_id = f"{self.inv[0].code}.{self.inv[0][0].code}" gc_dist, baz = gcd_and_baz(self.event, self.inv[0][0]) origin_time =[0].time depth = self.event.preferred_origin().depth * 1E-3 if self.event.preferred_magnitude() is not None: magnitude = self.event.preferred_magnitude().mag mag_type = self.event.preferred_magnitude().magnitude_type mag_str = f"{mag_type} {magnitude:.2f}\n" else: mag_str = "Magnitude info unavailable\n" region = FlinnEngdahl().get_region(self.ev_lon, self.ev_lat)"{region.title()}\n" f"{'-'*len(region)}\n" f"{event_id} / {sta_id}\n" f"{origin_time.format_iris_web_service()}\n" f"{mag_str}" f"Depth: {depth:.2f} km\n" f"Dist: {gc_dist:.2f} km\n" f"BAz: {baz:.2f}{DEGREE_CHAR}\n" ), x=x, y=y, ha=ha, va=va, ma=ma, zorder=5, fontsize=fontsize, ) if anno_latlon: # Annotate the lat lon values next to source and receiver"\t({self.ev_lat:.2f}, {self.ev_lon:.2f})", x=self.ev_lon, y=self.ev_lat, fontsize=fontsize)"\t({self.sta_lat:.2f}, {self.sta_lon:.2f})", x=self.sta_lon, y=self.sta_lat, fontsize=fontsize)
[docs] def plot(self, show=True, save=None, **kwargs): """ Main function to generate the basemap, plot all the components, and show or save the figure :type show: bool :param show: show the figure in the gui :type save: str :param save: if not None, save to the given path stored in this var. :type corners: dict :param corners: dict containing corner points, if None, lat lon values to be determiend by station and receiver locations """ self.source() self.receiver() self.connect() self.annotate() if save: plt.savefig(save) if show:
[docs] def scale_bar(ax, length=None, location=(0.85, 0.95), linewidth=3, return_length=False, ref_proj=ccrs.PlateCarree()): """ Create a scale bar on a Cartopy plot. Modifiedd from: how-can-i-show-a-km-ruler-on-a-cartopy-matplotlib-plot :type ax: matplotlib.pyplot.axes :param ax: axes to draw the scalebar on. :type length: float :param length: length of the scalebar in km. :type location: tuple of floats :param location: center of the scalebar in axis coordinates. (ie. 0.5 is the middle of the plot) :type linewidth: float :param linewidth: the thickness of the scalebar. :type return_length: bool :param return_length: Simply returns the scaled length of the bar, added to use for scaling of the moment tensor """ # Get the limits of the axis in lat long llx0, llx1, lly0, lly1 = ax.get_extent(ref_proj) # Make tmc horizontally centred on the middle of the map, # vertically at scale bar location sbllx = (llx1 + llx0) / 2 sblly = lly0 + (lly1 - lly0) * location[1] tmc = ccrs.TransverseMercator(sbllx, sblly, approx=True) # Get the extent of the plotted area in coordinates in metres x0, x1, y0, y1 = ax.get_extent(tmc) # Turn the specified scalebar location into coordinates in metres sbx = x0 + (x1 - x0) * location[0] sby = y0 + (y1 - y0) * location[1] # Calculate a scale bar length if none has been given # Theres probably a more pythonic way of rounding the number but this works if not length: length = (x1 - x0) / 5000 # in km ndim = int(np.floor(np.log10(length))) # number of digits in number length = round(length, -ndim) # round to 1sf def scale_number(x): """Returns numbers starting with the list""" if str(x)[0] in ["1", "2", "5"]: return int(x) else: return scale_number(x - 10 ** ndim) length = scale_number(length) # Generate the x coordinate for the ends of the scalebar bar_xs = [sbx - length * 500, sbx + length * 500] if return_length: return bar_xs[1] - bar_xs[0] else: # Plot the scalebar ax.plot(bar_xs, [sby, sby], transform=tmc, color="k", linewidth=linewidth) # Plot the scalebar label ax.text(sbx, sby, f"{length} km", transform=tmc, horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="bottom")