Bulk Inversion Assessment

The Inspector class uses the Pandas library to aggregate, manipulate and visualize misfit information collected in ASDFDataSets during a seismic inversion run with SeisFlows.

Pandas DataFrames are like spreadsheets, storing data in row-column format. Each entry corresponds to a single misfit window, such that statistical analysis can be run on all misfit windows in aggregate. Users can compare misfit statistics between iterations, events, stations etc. to determine how misfit evolves throughout the course of an inversion.

Here’s an example of the Inspector, where the windows attributes stores metadata information with respect to a given misfit window.

>>> insp.windows
         event iteration step network station channel component    misfit  length_s      dlnA  window_weight  max_cc_value  relative_endtime  relative_starttime  cc_shift_in_seconds           absolute_starttime             absolute_endtime
0  2018p130600       i01  s00      NZ     BFZ     HHE         E  0.365397     62.76 -0.709653       5.469764      0.871537             77.07               14.31                 1.08  2018-02-18T07:43:42.437644Z  2018-02-18T07:44:45.197644Z
1  2018p130600       i01  s00      NZ     BFZ     HHN         N  1.620000     39.15 -0.828518       3.882748      0.991762             77.07               37.92                 1.89  2018-02-18T07:44:06.047644Z  2018-02-18T07:44:45.197644Z
2  2018p130600       i01  s00      NZ     BFZ     HHZ         Z  0.004050     21.21 -0.903363       2.101535      0.990823             41.46               20.25                 0.00  2018-02-18T07:43:48.377644Z  2018-02-18T07:44:09.587644Z
>>> insp.windows.iloc[0]
event                                  2018p130600
    iteration                                      i01
    step                                           s00
    network                                         NZ
    station                                        BFZ
    channel                                        HHE
    component                                        E
    misfit                                    0.365397
    length_s                                     62.76
    dlnA                                     -0.709653
    window_weight                             5.469764
    max_cc_value                              0.871537
    relative_endtime                             77.07
    relative_starttime                           14.31
    cc_shift_in_seconds                           1.08
    absolute_starttime     2018-02-18T07:43:42.437644Z
    absolute_endtime       2018-02-18T07:44:45.197644Z
    Name: 0, dtype: object

Dataset Discovery

During a SeisFlows Inversion workflow run with preprocessing module Pyaflowa, ASDFDataSets containing waveform data, misfit windows and adjoint sources are generated.


You do not need to explicitely run inversions with SeisFlows to use the Inspector, but the requisite ASDFDataSets are automatically generated by SeisFlows making the task much simpler.

The Inspector requires a path to this director to gather misfit information. Use the discover function to aggregate data.

from pyatoa import Inspector

insp = Inspector(tag="example")


The discover function will wildcard search the given path for any files ending in .h5, the default file extension for ASDFDataSets

Example Data

To generate a small example dataset that you can explore and play around with, execute the following commands which will fill up a dataset with a few pieces of data:

from pyatoa import Manager, Inspector
from pyasdf import ASDFDataSet

ds = ASDFDataSet("example")

mgmt = Manager(ds=ds)
mgmt.load()  # loads example data
mgmt.write()  # writes data into dataset

insp = Inspector("example")

For a larger Inspector dataset, you can also load from the test data stored in the Pyatoa repository:

from pyatoa.scripts.load_example_data import load_example_inspector

insp = load_example_inspector()

Data Attribute Access

During the discover process, the Inspector retrieves source and receiver metadata, misfit windows information (e.g., starttimes, time shifts, etc.), and adjoint source information (e.g., total misfit).

Source and receiver metadata

A list of event ids and station names can be accessed through the events and stations attributes:

>>> insp.events
array(['2014p952799', '2013p617227'], dtype=object)
>>> insp.stations
array(['BFZ', 'BKZ', 'ETVZ', 'FWVZ', 'HIZ', 'KHEZ', 'KHZ', 'KNZ', 'MAVZ',
       'MKAZ', 'MRZ', 'MXZ', 'NNZ', 'NTVZ', 'OPRZ', 'OTVZ', 'PXZ', 'RATZ',
       'RTZ', 'TLZ', 'TMVZ', 'TOZ', 'TRVZ', 'TSZ', 'URZ', 'VRZ', 'WAZ',
       'WEL', 'WHVZ', 'WIZ', 'WSRZ', 'HAZ', 'MWZ', 'PUZ'], dtype=object)

Source and receiver metadata like hypocentral location are accesible through the sources and receivers attributes.

>>> insp.sources
                                       time  magnitude  depth_km  latitude  longitude
2014p952799  2014-12-19T12:51:22.480000Z       4.76   33.0664  -38.2520   177.9926
2013p617227  2013-08-17T08:58:40.320000Z       5.21   15.0781  -41.7326   174.0643
>>> insp.receivers
                      latitude   longitude
network station
NZ      BFZ     -40.679647  176.246245
        BKZ     -39.165666  176.492544
        ETVZ    -39.135700  175.710600
        FWVZ    -39.254945  175.552952
        HAZ     -37.756100  177.782600
        HIZ     -38.512929  174.855686
        KHEZ    -39.294200  174.014500
        KHZ     -42.415980  173.538970
        KNZ     -39.021755  177.673669
        MAVZ    -39.267913  175.561653
        MKAZ    -37.104130  175.161170
        MRZ     -40.660545  175.578527
        MWZ     -38.334001  177.527779
        MXZ     -37.562259  178.306631
        NNZ     -41.217103  173.379477
        NTVZ    -39.098482  175.675973
        OPRZ    -37.844300  176.554929
        OTVZ    -39.163114  175.665074
        PUZ     -38.071548  178.257209
        PXZ     -40.030644  176.862145
        RATZ    -38.866498  175.772176
        RTZ     -38.615440  176.980518
        TLZ     -38.329400  175.538000
        TMVZ    -39.115610  175.704064
        TOZ     -37.730956  175.501847
        TRVZ    -39.298816  175.547822
        TSZ     -40.058553  175.961124
        URZ     -38.259249  177.110894
        VRZ     -39.124341  174.758453
        WAZ     -39.754644  174.985533
        WEL     -41.284048  174.768184
        WHVZ    -39.282500  175.588600
        WIZ     -37.524511  177.189302
        WSRZ    -37.518110  177.177805

The srcrcv attribute provides relative information for each source-receiver pair, including epicentral distance and backazimuth:

>>> insp.srcrcv
          event network station  distance_km  backazimuth
0   2014p952799      NZ     BFZ   308.576683    29.701984
1   2014p952799      NZ     BKZ   165.256199    52.610982
2   2014p952799      NZ    ETVZ   221.435082    64.421412
3   2014p952799      NZ    FWVZ   239.506726    63.067781
4   2014p952799      NZ     HAZ    58.051017   161.539674
..          ...     ...     ...          ...          ...
63  2013p617227      NZ     WAZ   233.019584   199.206495
64  2013p617227      NZ     WEL    77.038723   229.477199
65  2013p617227      NZ    WHVZ   301.173355   204.909266
66  2013p617227      NZ     WIZ   538.670140   208.880622
67  2013p617227      NZ    WSRZ   538.802628   208.756817

[68 rows x 5 columns]

Misfit Windows

Misfit window information is stored in the windows attribute. Each row in the window dataframe attribute corresponds to a single misfit window and contains metadata for the source and receiver used to generate it.

>>> insp.windows
           event iteration  ...           absolute_starttime             absolute_endtime
0    2014p952799       i01  ...  2014-12-19T12:51:49.315000Z  2014-12-19T12:53:15.880000Z
1    2014p952799       i01  ...  2014-12-19T12:51:29.812500Z  2014-12-19T12:53:12.110000Z
2    2014p952799       i01  ...  2014-12-19T12:51:34.380000Z  2014-12-19T12:53:12.110000Z
3    2014p952799       i01  ...  2014-12-19T12:51:44.675000Z  2014-12-19T12:52:47.532500Z
4    2014p952799       i01  ...  2014-12-19T12:51:28.362500Z  2014-12-19T12:52:47.532500Z
..           ...       ...  ...                          ...                          ...
709  2013p617227       i01  ...  2013-08-17T08:59:06.937500Z  2013-08-17T09:00:24.295000Z
710  2013p617227       i01  ...  2013-08-17T08:59:02.660000Z  2013-08-17T09:00:19.727500Z
711  2013p617227       i01  ...  2013-08-17T08:58:42.577500Z  2013-08-17T09:00:08.997500Z
712  2013p617227       i01  ...  2013-08-17T08:58:56.135000Z  2013-08-17T08:59:51.452500Z
713  2013p617227       i01  ...  2013-08-17T08:58:52.872500Z  2013-08-17T08:59:54.062500Z

[714 rows x 17 columns]

Users can query a single key of each dataframe to gather information in array format.

>>> insp.windows.keys()
Index(['event', 'iteration', 'step', 'network', 'station', 'channel',
       'component', 'misfit', 'length_s', 'dlnA', 'window_weight',
       'max_cc_value', 'relative_endtime', 'relative_starttime',
       'cc_shift_in_seconds', 'absolute_starttime', 'absolute_endtime'],

For example, to get the max cross correlation value of all windows in your inversion:

>>> insp.windows["max_cc_value"]
0      0.918584
1      0.904824
2      0.919713
3      0.967400
4      0.969720
709    0.871737
710    0.737115
711    0.923461
712    0.928504
713    0.925466
Name: max_cc_value, Length: 714, dtype: float64

Data Access Functions

Using Pandas syntax, the User should be able to get at any permutation of data that they want to analyze, however the Inspector has some built-in data access functions.

Misfit Information

The misfit function calculates total misfit for various levels (e.g., per iteration, per station, per event)

>>> insp.misfit(level="station")
                                     unscaled_misfit  nwin     misfit
 iteration step event       station
 i01       s00  2013p617227 BFZ            51.934378     3  17.311459
                            BKZ            82.107746     3  27.369249
                            FWVZ           87.990781     4  21.997695
                            HAZ            21.898865     3   7.299622
                            HIZ            71.910561     3  23.970187
 ...                                             ...   ...        ...
           s03  2014p952799 WAZ            42.896701     3  14.298900
                            WEL            49.171292     2  24.585646
                            WHVZ           38.019649     3  12.673216
                            WIZ             8.919856     3   2.973285
                            WSRZ            8.919856     3   2.973285

 [221 rows x 3 columns]


Available misfit levels are: ‘step’, ‘event’, and ‘station’

Window Number

The nwin function provides information about the number of misfit windows, and overall window length (in units of time) gathered during a single iteration. This is useful for understanding how much of your waveforms have been windowed during an inversion.

                nwin    length_s
iteration step
i01       s00    206  14760.4200
          s01    204  14682.1200
          s02    207  14612.4475
          s03     97   7265.7325


Available levels are: ‘step’, ‘event’, and ‘station’

Window Statistics

The stats function aggregates all the columns into a per-evaluation, per-event calculation. That is, for every event in every iteration, column values like overall misfit, or total window number, will be averaged.

The default ‘stat’ function takes the mean, but other NumPy statistical functions like mean, std (standard deviation) or var (variance) can also be applied.

>>> insp.stats(choice="max", key="length_s")
iteration  step  event
i01        s00   2013p617227    121.5100
                 2014p952799    125.8600
           s01   2013p617227    121.6550
                 2014p952799    125.9325
           s02   2013p617227    121.8000
                 2014p952799    127.6725
           s03   2013p617227     86.4200
                 2014p952799    125.9325
Name: length_s, dtype: float64

The above code snippet will return the maximum window length for each event in your inversion and for each iteration.


The minmax function simply prints out minimum and maximum values for each column entry for the entire inversion.

>>> insp.minmax(pprint=True)
nwin:                      97.0000
len:                       7265.7325
misfit_min:                0.0096
misfit_max:                35.9764
misfit_mean:               12.2199
misfit_median:             12.5125
misfit_std:                8.4696
length_s_min:              18.4150
length_s_max:              125.9325
length_s_mean:             74.9045
length_s_median:           81.3450
length_s_std:              23.1415
dlnA_min:                  -0.1859
dlnA_max:                  1.0395
dlnA_mean:                 0.3850
dlnA_median:               0.3664
dlnA_std:                  0.2340
max_cc_value_min:          0.7075
max_cc_value_max:          0.9968
max_cc_value_mean:         0.9239
max_cc_value_median:       0.9286
max_cc_value_std:          0.0560
cc_shift_in_seconds_min:   -0.1450
cc_shift_in_seconds_max:   9.4975
cc_shift_in_seconds_mean:  4.7783
cc_shift_in_seconds_median: 4.9300
cc_shift_in_seconds_std:   1.9101

Compare Iterations

The compare function allows the User to compare different iterations in their inversion. This is useful when comparing misfit of your initial and final models.


By default, compare will compare the first and last iteration in an inversion (assumed to be initial and final models)

>>> insp.compare(iteration_a="i01", step_count_a="s00",
>>>              iteration_b="i01", step_count_b="s01")
             nwin_i01s00  misfit_i01s00  nwin_i01s01  misfit_i01s01  diff_misfit  diff_nwin
2014p952799           93       6.114807           92       5.697945    -0.416862         -1
2013p617227          113       7.134975          112       7.173721     0.038745         -1

Comparing Windows

The compare_windows function finds differences between matching misfit windows for two iterations in your inversion.


Using this function requires that the two compared iterations have the same window choices, i.e., the windows from evaluation A must have been used during evaluation B.

>>> insp.compare_windows(iteration_a="i01", step_count_a="s00",
>>>                      iteration_b="i01", step_count_b="s00")
           event network  ... diff_max_cc_value diff_cc_shift_in_seconds
0    2014p952799      NZ  ...               0.0                      0.0
1    2014p952799      NZ  ...               0.0                      0.0
2    2014p952799      NZ  ...               0.0                      0.0
3    2014p952799      NZ  ...               0.0                      0.0
4    2014p952799      NZ  ...               0.0                      0.0
..           ...     ...  ...               ...                      ...
201  2013p617227      NZ  ...               0.0                      0.0
202  2013p617227      NZ  ...               0.0                      0.0
203  2013p617227      NZ  ...               0.0                      0.0
204  2013p617227      NZ  ...               0.0                      0.0
205  2013p617227      NZ  ...               0.0                      0.0

[206 rows x 17 columns]


The above code block compares an evaluation with itself because the test data does not have the same window selection for compared evaluations.

Manipulating Inspector Objects

The following section will show you how to manipulate the Inspector object itself, e.g., read/write to disk, add data from new datasets, merge two inspectors

Read/Write From Disk

The Inspector can be written to disk as a collection of comma separated value (.csv) files using the write function. Output files can be opened with spreadsheet software (e.g., Excel).

insp.write(path="./", fmt="csv", tag="example")

Inspectors can also read from generated .csv output files using the read function:

insp.read(path="./", fmt="csv", tag="example")

Add New Data to Inspector

New datasets can be added to an existing Inspector class with the append function. This can also be used to side-step the discover function for data loading.


Merging Two Inspectors

During very large inversions, it may be useful to split the inversion into various stages or legs, resulting in multiple sets of related ASDFDataSets.

The extend function allows you to aggregate measurements from all inversion stages.

from pyatoa import Inspector

insp_stage1 = Inspector(tag="stage1")

insp_stage2 = Inspector(tag="stage2")


Plotting Routines

The Inspector comes with a suite of plotting routines to visualize the dataset. Check out the Gallery for figure examples and example code snippets used to generate them.