Source code for pyatoa.visuals.comp_wave

#!/usr/bin/env python3
A stripped down (arguably better) version of the Waveform Improvement class,
used to simply compare two synthetic waveforms from a given PyASDF DataSet.
import os
import sys
from glob import glob
import traceback
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
from pyatoa import Manager
from pyasdf import ASDFDataSet
from pyatoa.core.config import set_pyflex_config
from pyatoa.visuals.wave_maker import format_axis
from pyatoa.visuals.map_maker import MapMaker
from pyatoa.utils.calculate import vrl
from pyatoa.utils.process import match_npts
from obspy.signal.filter import envelope

[docs] class CompWave: """ A class to plot waveform improvement between two models for a given dataset """ def __init__(self, dsfid, station, min_period, max_period, dsfid_final=None): """ Initiate empty objects and keep dataset as an internal attribute :type dsfid: str :param dsfid: name of the ASDF Dataset :type station: str :param station: Network and station code, e.g. NZ.BFZ :type min_period: float :param min_period: minimum filter corner :type max_period: float :param max_period: maximum filter corner """ self.dsfid = dsfid self.dsfid_final = dsfid_final self.event_id = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(dsfid))[0] self.station = station self.min_period = min_period self.max_period = max_period = None self.init_windows = None self.final_windows = None # Initialize empty attributes to be filled self._ds = None self._inv = None self._event = None self._st_obs = None self._st_init = None self._st_final = None self._m_init = None self._m_final = None
[docs] def _gather_model_from_dataset(self, dsfid, model=None, init_or_final=None, save_windows=False): """ Gather data from an ASDFDataSet based on the given model (iter/step) :type dsfid: str :param dsfid: file identifier for the dataset :type model: str :param model: iteration/step, e.g. 'i01/s00' :type init_or_final: str :param init_or_final: for choosing default values if model is None * 'init': choose the first iteration/step for the initial model * 'final': choose final iteration/step for final model :return: """ assert(init_or_final in ["init", "final"]) with ASDFDataSet(dsfid, mode="r") as ds: if model is None: configs = ds.auxiliary_data.Configs if init_or_final is "init": idx = 0 elif init_or_final is "final": idx = -1 iter_ = configs.list()[idx] step_ = configs[iter_].list()[idx] model = f"{iter_}/{step_}" # Use the Manager class to load in waveform data mgmt = Manager(ds=ds) mgmt.load(code=self.station, path=model) # !!! NZ Temp network skip remove response net, sta = self.station.split(".") remove_response = not bool(net in ["ZX", "Z8"]) # Overwrite the filter corners stored in the dataset mgmt.config.min_period = self.min_period mgmt.config.max_period = self.max_period mgmt.standardize().preprocess(remove_response=remove_response) # See if windows can be picked for the given load setup if save_windows: pf_cfg = "nznorth_6-30s" mgmt.config.pyflex_preset = pf_cfg mgmt.config.pyflex_config, _ = set_pyflex_config( mgmt.config.min_period, mgmt.config.max_period, pf_cfg) mgmt.window() print(f"{mgmt.stats.nwin} windows for {init_or_final}") if save_windows == "init": self.init_windows = elif save_windows == "final": self.final_windows = else: # Any check that returns no windows will set this False = # Store data in class attributes, obs waveforms will be the same if self._st_obs is None: self._st_obs = mgmt.st_obs if self._inv is None: self._inv = mgmt.inv if self._event is None: self._event = mgmt.event setattr(self, f"_st_{init_or_final}", mgmt.st_syn) setattr(self, f"_m_{init_or_final}", model)
[docs] def gather(self, m_init=None, m_final=None, save_windows=False): """ Gather data from the correct dataset. If no m_init or m_final given, will gather the first and last models :type m_init: str :param m_init: initial iteration/step, e.g. 'i01/s00' :type m_final: str :param m_final: final iteration/step """ self._gather_model_from_dataset(dsfid=self.dsfid, model=m_init, init_or_final="init", # save_windows=bool(save_windows=="init")) save_windows="init") # Default to dsfid if separate final dataset not provided self._gather_model_from_dataset(dsfid=self.dsfid_final or self.dsfid, model=m_final, init_or_final="final", # save_windows=bool( # save_windows=="final")) save_windows="final")
[docs] def calculate_vrl(self, init_or_final): """ Caclulate the logarithmic variance reduction to look at how waveforms imrpove from m_init to m_final. Following Eq. 8 of Tape et al. (2010). """ st_d = self._st_obs.copy() st_1 = self._st_init.copy() st_2 = self._st_final.copy() # Final synthetics dictate samp. rate because it will be higher if init_or_final == "init": sr = st_1[0].stats.sampling_rate dt = st_1[0] elif init_or_final == "final": sr = st_2[0].stats.sampling_rate dt = st_2[0] st_d.resample(sr) st_1.resample(sr) st_2.resample(sr) with open("vrl.txt", "a+") as f: for tr_d in st_d: comp =[-1] tr_1 =[0] tr_2 =[0] # If no windows, calculate VRL for the entire trace if is None: vrl_ = vrl(,, f.write( f"{self.event_id}, {self.station}, {comp}, {vrl_:.4f}\n") # If windows, calculate VRL for each window else: if comp in for i, win in enumerate([comp]): # Delta should match final synthetics assert(dt == win.dt), "delta dont match" vrl_ = vrl([win.left:win.right],[win.left:win.right],[win.left:win.right]) f.write(f"{self.event_id}, {self.station}, {comp}, " f"{i}, {vrl_:.4f}\n")
[docs] def setup_plot(self, nrows, ncols, **kwargs): """ Dynamically set up plots according to number_of given Returns a list of lists of axes objects e.g. axes[i][j] gives the ith column and the jth row :type nrows: int :param nrows: number of rows in the gridspec :type ncols: int :param ncols: number of columns in the gridspec :rtype axes: matplotlib axes :return axes: axis objects """ figure = kwargs.get("figure", None) subplot_spec = kwargs.get("subplot_spec", None) dpi = kwargs.get("dpi", 150) figsize = kwargs.get("figsize", (1200 / dpi, (240 * nrows) / dpi)) fontsize = kwargs.get("fontsize", 12) axis_linewidth = kwargs.get("axis_linewidth", 2) xticks = kwargs.get("xticks", True) yticks = kwargs.get("yticks", True) minor_ticks = kwargs.get("minor_ticks", False) # Initiate the figure, allow for external figure objects if figure is None: f = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) else: f = figure # Initiate gridspec, allow for nested grids subplot_kwargs = {"hspace": 0, "wspace": 0.025, "width_ratios": [5] * ncols, "height_ratios": [1] * nrows} if subplot_spec is None: gs = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec(nrows, ncols, **subplot_kwargs) else: gs = mpl.gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(nrows, ncols, subplot_spec=subplot_spec, **subplot_kwargs) axes = [[] for _ in range(nrows)] for row in range(0, gs.get_geometry()[0]): for col in range(0, gs.get_geometry()[1]): # First column can't share y-values if col == 0: sharey = None else: sharey = axes[row][0] # First entry can't share x-values if row == 0 and col == 0: sharex = None else: sharex = axes[0][0] ax = plt.subplot(gs[row, col], sharey=sharey, sharex=sharex) ax.set_axisbelow(True) left = bool(yticks) bottom = bool(xticks) ax.tick_params(which='major', direction='in', top=False, right=False, left=left, bottom=bottom, labelsize=fontsize, length=5, width=2*axis_linewidth/3) if minor_ticks: ax.minorticks_on() ax.tick_params(which='minor', direction='in', length=3, top=False, bottom=bottom, right=False, left=left, width=2*axis_linewidth/3) if col == 0: ax.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) # Make sure the scientific notation has the same4fontsize ax.yaxis.get_offset_text().set_fontsize(fontsize) for axis in ["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]: ax.spines[axis].set_linewidth(axis_linewidth) # Set the grids on axes[row].append(ax) # remove x-tick labels except for last axis for row in axes[:-1]: for col in row: plt.setp(col.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # Turn off the y-tick labels and sci notation for columns except first for row in axes: # for col in row[1:]: for col in row[:]: plt.setp(col.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) col.yaxis.get_offset_text().set_visible(False) return f, axes
[docs] def _xlim_from_envelope(self, data, dt): """ Get rough bounds for the xlimits by looking at waveform envelopes :return: """ env = envelope(data) idx = np.where(env >= env.std())[0] * dt return [np.floor(idx[0]) - 20 , np.ceil(idx[-1]) + 20]
[docs] def plot(self, component_list=None, show=True, save=False, **kwargs): """ Plot waveforms iterative based on model updates :type show: bool :param show: Show the plot or do not :type save: str :param save: if given, save the figure to this path """ linewidth = kwargs.get("linewidth", 1.3) syn_linewidth = kwargs.get("syn_linewidth", 1.7) fontsize = kwargs.get("fontsize", 12) xlim = kwargs.get("xlim", None) percent_over = kwargs.get("percent_over", 0.125) color_init = kwargs.get("color_init", "orangered") color_final = kwargs.get("color_final", "mediumorchid") title = kwargs.get("title", True) labels = kwargs.get("labels", True) if component_list is None: component_list = [[-1] for _ in self._st_obs] # One row per component, one column for init and final each f, axes = self.setup_plot(nrows=len(component_list), ncols=2, **kwargs) # Plot each component in a different column for row, comp in enumerate(component_list): obs =[0] syn_init =[0] syn_final =[0] # Plot init synthetics to the left, final synthetics to the right axes[row][0].plot(syn_init.times(),, color_init, zorder=10, label="INIT", linewidth=syn_linewidth ) axes[row][1].plot(syn_final.times(),, color_final, zorder=10, label="FINAL", linewidth=syn_linewidth ) # Plot obs in both columns for col in [0, 1]: axes[row][col].plot(obs.times(),, "k", zorder=11, label="OBS", linewidth=linewidth) # Format the axes for a standardized look for col in range(len(axes[row])): format_axis(axes[row][col], percent_over=percent_over) # Component in the y-label if labels: axes[row][0].set_ylabel(comp.upper(), rotation="horizontal", ha="left", va="center") # Annotation in coriner of fig if len(component_list) == 1: plt.suptitle(f"{self.event_id} {self.station} {comp}", fontsize=fontsize) f.text(0.13, 0.765, "M00", ha="left", fontsize=fontsize) f.text(0.525, 0.765, "M28", ha="left", fontsize=fontsize) # Set ylim based on ymax from either waveform max_yvals = [] for data in [,,]: max_yvals.append(max(abs(data))) max_yval = max(max_yvals) * 1.2 ylim = [-1 * max_yval, max_yval] axes[row][0].set_ylim(ylim) # Plot different windows for init and final model, if available if self.init_windows and self.final_windows: for i, windows in enumerate([self.init_windows[comp], self.final_windows[comp]]): ymin, ymax = axes[row][i].get_ylim() for win in windows: tleft = win.left * win.dt tright = win.right * win.dt axes[row][i].axvline(x=tleft, c="k", lw=1.5) axes[row][i].axvline(x=tright, c="k", lw=1.5) axes[row][i].add_patch( Rectangle(xy=(tleft, ymin), width=tright - tleft, height=(ymax + np.abs(ymin)), fc="orange", ec="k", alpha=0.25, zorder=10 )) # Set xlim for master axis if xlim is None: xlim = [self._st_obs[0].times()[0], self._st_obs[0].times()[-1]] elif xlim == "auto": xlim = self._xlim_from_envelope("Z")[0].data, dt=self._st_final[0] ) axes[0][0].set_xlim(xlim) # Main title ab"ove all the subplots if title: plt.suptitle(f"Waveform Improvement | " f"{self.event_id} {self.station} " f"[{self.min_period}, {self.max_period}]s", fontsize=fontsize) if labels: # Common X and Y labels, manually decided values # f.text(0.375, 0.05, "Time [s]", ha="center", fontsize=fontsize) f.text(0.5, 0.025, "Time [s]", ha="center", fontsize=fontsize) f.text(0.08, 0.575, "Displacement [m]", ha="center", rotation=90, fontsize=fontsize) # Title each of the models if title: axes[0][0].set_title(f"Initial", fontsize=fontsize) axes[0][1].set_title(f"Final", fontsize=fontsize) # Save the generated figure if save: plt.savefig(save) if show: return f, axes
[docs] def plot_with_map(self, corners=None, dpi=100, figsize=None, show=True, save=False,**kwargs): """ Similar to Manager plotter, plot the waveform comparisons next to a source receiver map. Wraps the internal plotting functionality with a gridspec """ # Default figure size if figsize is None: figsize = (2400 / dpi, 600 / dpi) # Create an overlying GridSpec that will contain both plots gs = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, wspace=1.0, hspace=0., width_ratios=[2, 1], height_ratios=[1] ) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) # Plot the waveform on the left self.plot(figure=fig, subplot_spec=gs[0], show=False, save=False, fontsize=12) # Plot the map on the right mm = MapMaker(inv=self._inv, cat=self._event, **kwargs) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1]) mm.plot(corners=corners, figure=fig, ax=ax, show=False, save=False, **kwargs) if save: plt.savefig(save) if show: else: plt.close()
[docs] def main(event_id=None, station=None, component=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, cfg="plot"): """ Main call script to choose event and station based on what's available """ if cfg == "calc": # VRL CALC PARAMETER CHOICE choice = "all" # pick or all min_period = 6 max_period = 30 m_init = None m_final = "i11/s03" dsfid = f"aspen/{event_id}.h5" dsfid_final = f"birch/{event_id}.h5" show = False calc_vrl = True save_win = "final" plot = False plot_with_map = False xlim = None if component: component_list = [component] else: component_list = ["Z", "N", "E"] elif cfg == "plot": choice = "all" # pick or all min_period = 6 max_period = 30 m_init = None m_final = "i11/s03" dsfid = f"aspen/{event_id}.h5" dsfid_final = f"birch/{event_id}.h5" show = False calc_vrl = False save_win = True plot = True plot_with_map = False if xmin is not None: xlim = [float(xmin), float(xmax)] else: xlim = None if component: component_list = [component] else: component_list = ["Z", "N", "E"] kwargs = {"title": False, "labels": False, "xticks": True, "yticks": False, "minor_ticks": False} # ========================================================================= # Get station information prior to plotting assert(os.path.exists(dsfid)), f"{dsfid} does not exist" with ASDFDataSet(dsfid, mode="r") as ds: stations = ds.waveforms.list() # Ask user to choose station to plot if choice == "pick": for s, sta in enumerate(stations): print(f"{s}: {sta}") while True: idx = input(f"Which station index or name?: ") try: stations = [stations[int(idx)]] except ValueError: stations = [idx] for sta in stations: if station is not None and sta != station: continue fid_out = f"./figures/{event_id}_{sta}.png" # if os.path.exists(fid_out): # print(f"{fid_out} exists") # continue print(sta) try: cw = CompWave(dsfid=dsfid, dsfid_final=dsfid_final, station=sta, min_period=min_period, max_period=max_period) cw.gather(m_init, m_final, save_win) if calc_vrl: cw.calculate_vrl(save_win) if plot: if plot_with_map: cw.plot_with_map(show=show, save=fid_out, xlim=xlim) else: cw.plot(component_list=component_list, show=show, save=fid_out, xlim=xlim, **kwargs) plt.close("all") except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() pass
[docs] def main_plot_specific(): """ """ vals = [ ["2013p617227", "NZ.TOZ", "Z", 47.5, 290], ["2014p952799", "NZ.NTVZ", "N", 10, 290], ["2016p105478", "NZ.PUZ", "Z", 90, 290], ["2016p881118", "NZ.MWZ", "E", 40, 275], ["2018p465580", "NZ.KHEZ", "E", 25, 275], ["2019p738432", "NZ.KHZ", "Z", 90, 290], ["2019p754447", "NZ.HIZ", "Z", 10, 290], ["2019p927023", "NZ.VRZ", "Z", 45, 275],] for val in vals: # event, station, comp = val # main(event, station, comp, cfg="plot") try: event, station, comp, xmin, xmax = val main(event, station, comp, xmin, xmax, "plot") except ValueError: continue
if __name__ == "__main__": main_plot_specific()
[docs] a=1/0
if len(sys.argv) > 1: main(*sys.argv[1:]) else: for fid in sorted(glob("./aspen/*.h5")): event_id = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fid))[0] print(event_id) main(event_id, None)