Source code for pyatoa.utils.asdf.clean

Convenience functions for removing data from Pyasdf ASDFDataSet objects. 
All functions work with the dataset as an input and act in-place on the 
dataset so no returns
from pyatoa.utils.form import format_iter, format_step

[docs] def clean_dataset(ds, iteration=None, step_count=None, fix_windows=False): """ Removes synthetic waveforms and auxiliary data so that only observation data remains for new iterations. If no iteration is given, will wipe all non-observation data and all auxiliary data :type ds: pyasdf.ASDFDataSet :param ds: dataset to be cleaned :type fix_windows: bool :param fix_windows: don't delete MisfitWindows :param iteration: iteration number, e.g. "i01". Will be formatted so int ok. :type step_count: str or int :param step_count: step count e.g. "s00". Will be formatted so int ok. """ del_synthetic_waveforms(ds=ds, iteration=iteration, step_count=step_count) # Retain misfit windows if windows to be fixed if fix_windows: retain = ["MisfitWindows"] else: retain = [] del_auxiliary_data(ds=ds, iteration=iteration, step_count=step_count, retain=retain)
[docs] def del_synthetic_waveforms(ds, iteration=None, step_count=None): """ Remove "synthetic_{iter_tag}{step_tag}" tagged waveforms from an asdf dataset. If no iter_tag number given, wipes all synthetic data from dataset. :type ds: pyasdf.ASDFDataSet :param ds: dataset to be cleaned :param iteration: iteration number, e.g. "i01". Will be formatted so int ok. :type step_count: str or int :param step_count: step count e.g. "s00". Will be formatted so int ok. """ iter_tag = format_iter(iteration) step_tag = format_step(step_count) for sta in ds.waveforms.list(): for stream in ds.waveforms[sta].list(): # stream is e.g. 'synthetic_i00s00' if "synthetic" in stream: if (iter_tag is not None) and iter_tag in stream: if (step_tag is not None) and step_tag in stream: del ds.waveforms[sta][stream] elif step_tag is None: del ds.waveforms[sta][stream] elif iter_tag is None: del ds.waveforms[sta][stream]
[docs] def del_auxiliary_data(ds, iteration=None, step_count=None, retain=None, only=None): """ Delete all items in auxiliary data for a given iter_tag, if iter_tag not given, wipes all auxiliary data. :type ds: pyasdf.ASDFDataSet :param ds: dataset to be cleaned :param iteration: iteration number, e.g. "i01". Will be formatted so int ok. :type step_count: str or int :param step_count: step count e.g. "s00". Will be formatted so int ok. :type retain: list of str :param retain: list of auxiliary data tags to retain, that is: delete all auxiliary data EXCEPT FOR the names given in this variable :type only: list of str :param only: list of auxiliary data tags to remove, that is: ONLY delete auxiliary data that matches the names given in this variable. Lower in priority than 'retain' """ iter_tag = format_iter(iteration) step_tag = format_step(step_count) for aux in ds.auxiliary_data.list(): # Check if auxiliary data tag matches optional lists if retain and aux in retain: continue if only and aux not in only: continue if (iter_tag is not None) and hasattr(ds.auxiliary_data[aux], iter_tag): # If the aux data doesn't contain this iter_tag, nothing to clean if (step_tag is not None) and ( hasattr(ds.auxiliary_data[aux][iter_tag], step_tag)): del ds.auxiliary_data[aux][iter_tag][step_tag] # If no 'step_tag' given, simply delete the iter_tag subgroup elif step_tag is None: del ds.auxiliary_data[aux][iter_tag] elif iter_tag is None: del ds.auxiliary_data[aux]