Source code for pyatoa.utils.adjoint

Additional capabilities for creating adjoint sources not defined by PyAdjoint
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import simps
from import tukey

[docs] def traveltime_adjoint_source(tr, time_window=None, reverse=True, save=False, zeros=False): """ Define a traveltime adjoint source, used to generate 'Banana-doughtnut' kernels. Traveltime adjoint sources are not data dependent, but rather they are sensitivity kernels that illuminate the finite-frequency ray path of the waveforms. Equation and variable naming is based on Tromp et al. (2005) Eq. 45. Implementation is based on Pyadjoint's cc_traveltime adjoint source Tapering is done with a hanning window. :type st_syn: obspy.core.trace.Trace :param st_syn: Synthetic data to be converted to traveltime adjoint source :type t_window: list of float :param t_window: [t_start, t_end] window to cut phases from waveform :rtype: np.array :return: a numpy array that defines the adjoint source """ s = deltat = offset = float(tr.stats.starttime) times = tr.times() + offset # Generate the adjoint source 'fp' dsdt = np.gradient(s, deltat) nnorm = simps(y=dsdt * dsdt, dx=deltat) fp = 1 / nnorm * dsdt[:] if zeros: # Only write zeros for empty adjoint sources fp = np.zeros(tr.stats.npts) else: # Window the adjoint source based on given start and end times if time_window is not None: t_start, t_end = time_window overlay = np.zeros(tr.stats.npts) samp_start = int((t_start - offset) / deltat) samp_end = int((t_end - offset) / deltat) window = tukey(samp_end - samp_start, alpha=0.5) overlay[samp_start:samp_end] = window fp = np.multiply(overlay, fp) # Adjoint sources need to be time reversed if reverse: fp = fp[::-1] data = np.vstack((times, fp)).T if save: np.savetxt(save, data, "%14.7f %20.8E") return data