Source code for pyatoa.tests.test_utils

Test all the various utility functions except for the processing functions,
which get their own test suite.
import os
import shutil
import pytest
import numpy as np
from glob import glob
from obspy import UTCDateTime, read_inventory
from obspy.core.util.testing import streams_almost_equal
from pyasdf import ASDFDataSet
from pyatoa.utils import (adjoint, calculate, form, images, srcrcv, window, 

[docs] def station_fid(): """Re-used test data pointing to STATIONS file""" return "./test_data/test_STATIONS_NZ_BFZ"
[docs] def sem_fid(tmpdir): """ Re-used test data pointing to a two-column ascii file representing SPECFEM3D seismograms """ src = "./test_data/test_adjoint_source_NZ_BFZ_N_2018p130600.adj" dst = os.path.join(tmpdir, "NZ.BFZ.BXZ.semd") shutil.copy(src, dst) return dst
[docs] def ds(): """Test ASDFDataSet""" fid = "./test_data/test_ASDFDataSet.h5" return ASDFDataSet(fid)
# ============================= TEST ADJOINT UTILS =============================
[docs] def test_traveltime_adjoint_source(): """ !!! TO DO """ pass
# ============================= TEST CALCULATE UTILS ===========================
[docs] def test_calc_utils(): """ Wrapping all the calculate utilities into a single function because they're all pretty basic, but it's good to know they function the same each time """ # Test abs_max assert(calculate.abs_max(np.array([-100, 10])) == -100) # Test myround value = 34.501 base = 5 assert(calculate.myround(value, base, "near") == 35) assert(calculate.myround(value, base, "up") == 35) assert(calculate.myround(value, base, "down") == 30) # Test overlapping_adys otime = UTCDateTime("2000-01-01T00:00:00") # midnight daylist = calculate.overlapping_days(otime, start_pad=20, end_pad=200) assert(daylist == [365, 1]) daylist = calculate.overlapping_days(otime, start_pad=0, end_pad=0) assert(daylist == [1]) # Test normalize_a_to_b arr = np.arange(0, 101, 10) norm_arr = calculate.normalize_a_to_b(arr, a=0, b=1) assert((norm_arr == (arr / arr.max())).all()) # Test amplitude_anomaly # !!! This is only checking that the function returns, not output values dx = 0.5 x = np.arange(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, dx) y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.sin(x + np.pi / 4) # shift by quarter pi to get some offset aa = calculate.amplitude_anomaly(y1, y2, dx) assert(aa == pytest.approx(0.0023, .1)) # Test logarithmic variance reduction - reuse amplitude anomaly arrays output = calculate.vrl(y1, y2, y2) assert(output == pytest.approx(6.735, .1))
# ============================= TEST FORMAT UTILS ==============================
[docs] def test_form_utils(): """ Test the string formatting utilities which ensures that IO is standardized throughout the package. Again, place them all in the same function. """ # Test format_iter for check in ["i09", 9, "9"]: assert(form.format_iter(check) == "i09") assert(form.format_iter(9.) is None) # Test format step for check in ["s09", 9, "9"]: assert(form.format_step(check) == "s09") assert(form.format_step(9.) is None) # Test format event name with various test cases eid = "abc123" # test event id test_cases = [ "{eid}", # GEONET "{eid}", # IRIS "smi:local/ndk/{eid}/event", # SPUD "smi:local/cmtsolution/{eid}/event", # GCMT "{eid}" "&format=quakeml", # USGS "{eid}", # USGS COMCAT, ] for test_case in test_cases: test_case = test_case.format(eid=eid) assert(form.format_event_name(test_case) == eid)
# ============================= TEST READ/ WRITE UTILS =========================
[docs] def test_write_utils(tmpdir, station_fid, sem_fid, ds): """ Test write utilities """ # Test write_inv_seed with edited dir structure # Mess with the default template naming schema and see if it returns goodly inv = read_inventory() write.write_inv_seed(inv, path=tmpdir) check_fids = ["FUR.GR/RESP.GR.FUR..BHE", "RJOB.BW/RESP.BW.RJOB..EHZ", "WET.GR/RESP.GR.WET..LHN"] for check_fid in check_fids: assert(os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmpdir, check_fid))) # Test write_misfit event_id = form.format_event_name(ds) write.write_misfit(ds, iteration=1, step_count=0, path=tmpdir) misfit = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(tmpdir, event_id), dtype=float) assert(misfit == pytest.approx(0.2512, 3)) # Test write_stations_adjoint # This will only write out NZ.BFZ because STATION file only contains BFZ write.write_stations_adjoint(ds=ds, iteration="i01", specfem_station_file=station_fid, pathout=tmpdir ) sta_adj = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(tmpdir, "STATIONS_ADJOINT"), dtype=str) assert(sta_adj[0] == "BFZ") # Test write_adj_src_to_ascii sta = "NZ_BFZ_BXN" fid = sta.replace("_", ".") + ".adj" write.write_adj_src_to_ascii(ds, iteration="i01", pathout=tmpdir) max_val = ds.auxiliary_data.AdjointSources.i01.s00[sta].data[()].max() path_check = os.path.join(tmpdir, fid) check_max = np.loadtxt(path_check).max() assert(max_val == pytest.approx(check_max, .1))
# ============================= TEST SRCRCV UTILS ============================== # srcrcv functions are all pretty short, likely don't need a test # ============================= TEST WINDOW UTILS ============================== # not enough window utils to warrant writing tests