Source code for pyatoa.scripts.syn_syn_example

Pyatoa Example: Synthetic-Synthetic misfit quantification

Generate adjoint sources for pairs of synthetic data generated from two 
different models using SPECFEM 2D/3D/3D_GLOBE.

.. note::

    It is expected that the User has already generated their synthetic data
    using SPECFEM and that the same STATIONS list was used
import os
from obspy import UTCDateTime
from import read_sem
from pyatoa import Config, Manager

# Determine where the synthetics are stored
[docs] path_syn = "./SGF/AAS000000"
[docs] path_obs = "./EGF/AAS000000"
[docs] path_out = "./SEM"
if not os.path.exists(path_out): os.mkdirs(path_out) # Now we initiate Pyatoa Config object which controls processing
[docs] pyflex_cfg = {"stalta_waterlevel": 0.05, "tshift_acceptance_level": 25, "cc_acceptance_level": 0.6 }
[docs] cfg = Config(min_period=10, max_period=200, component_list=["Y"], pyflex_preset="default", adj_src_type="multitaper", st_obs_type="syn", st_syn_type="syn", **pyflex_cfg )
# Used for determining the time offset T0 of the synthetics
[docs] dummy_origintime = UTCDateTime("2000-01-01T00:00:00")
# Loop through all synthetics and process for fid_syn, fid_obs in zip(sorted(os.listdir(path_syn)), sorted(os.listdir(path_obs))):
[docs] st_syn = read_sem(os.path.join(path_syn, fid_syn), origintime=dummy_origintime)
st_obs = read_sem(os.path.join(path_obs, fid_obs), origintime=dummy_origintime) # Provide Manager with Config and data, let it do the rest mgmt = Manager(config=cfg, st_obs=st_obs, st_syn=st_syn) mgmt.flow() mgmt.plot(show=False, save=os.path.join(path_out, "figures", f"{st_obs[0].get_id()}.png")) # Output adjoint sources mgmt.stats.time_offset_sec = st_obs[0].stats.starttime - dummy_origintime mgmt.write_adjsrcs(path=path_out, write_blanks=True)