Source code for pyatoa.scripts.process_data_w_mpi

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Processes (preprocess, window and generate adjoint source) a large amount of
synthetic waveform data in parallel using Pyatoa and MPI (with mpi4py).

Writes out a text file with misfit values for each source-receiver pair,
saves figures of waveform misfit for each pair, and generates adjoint sources
for each of the source receiver pairs.

.. note::

    Requires `mpi4py` which is not a dependency of Pyatoa. To install into your
    conda environment you can run:

    $ conda install mpi4py

.. rubric:: usage

# To run this on 4 cores
mpirun -n 4
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpi4py import MPI
from obspy import UTCDateTime

from import read_sem
from pyatoa import Config, Manager
from pyatoa import logger as ptlogger
from pyflex import logger as pflogger

# Avoid log statements which can be overly numerous
for logger in [ptlogger, pflogger]:

[docs] def get_rank_start_stop(ntask, nproc): """ Determine the share of work that each processor gets based on the total number of tasks `ntask`, and the total number of processors `nproc`\ evenly-between-processes-in-mpi-despite-the-array-size :type ntask: int :param ntask: total number of tasks to divvy up :type nproc: int :param nproc: number of processors to split `ntask` over :rtype: list of tuples :return: the start and stop `ntask` number for each processor `nproc` """ count = ntask // nproc remainder = ntask % nproc indices = [] for rank in range(0, nproc): if rank < remainder: # The first 'remainder' ranks get 'count + 1' tasks each start = rank * (count + 1) stop = start + count else: # The remaining 'size - remainder' ranks get 'count' task each start = rank * count + remainder stop = start + (count - 1) indices.append((start, stop)) return indices
if __name__ == "__main__": # Initialize MPI
[docs] comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
# Set up data structure and configuration parameters in rank 0 if comm.rank == 0: # Define paths to data and output data_path = "./data/{ev}/{choice}/{sta}.semd" adjsrc_path = "./data/{ev}/adj" fig_path = "./figures" results_fid = "./misfit_results.txt" dummy_time = UTCDateTime("2000-01-01") # Create unique event and station pairs _event_names = ["001", "002", "003"] _station_names = [f"AA.S{i:0>6}.BXY" for i in range(10)] evsta_pairs = [] for event_name in _event_names: for sta_name in _station_names: evsta_pairs.append((event_name, sta_name)) # Generate paths for output results if not os.path.exists(fig_path): os.mkdir(fig_path) for ev in _event_names: if not os.path.exists(adjsrc_path.format(ev=ev)): os.mkdir(adjsrc_path.format(ev=ev)) # Determine how to divvy up the event-station pairs among processors indices = get_rank_start_stop(ntask=len(evsta_pairs), nproc=comm.size) # Generate Config object that controls processing config = Config(min_period=10., max_period=100., component_list=["Y"], pyflex_preset="default", adj_src_type="cc_traveltime", st_obs_type="syn", st_syn_type="syn" ) else: evsta_pairs = None data_path = None fig_path = None adjsrc_path = None results_fid = None dummy_time = None indices = None config = None # Broadcast generated data and config to each rank evsta_pairs = comm.bcast(evsta_pairs, root=0) data_path = comm.bcast(data_path, root=0) fig_path = comm.bcast(fig_path, root=0) adjsrc_path = comm.bcast(adjsrc_path, root=0) indices = comm.bcast(indices, root=0) dummy_time = comm.bcast(dummy_time, root=0) config = comm.bcast(config, root=0) if comm.rank == 0: print(f"{len(evsta_pairs)} total tasks to be accomplished with " f"{comm.size} processors") # Partition data between the number of chosen processors start, stop = indices[comm.rank] # Misfit and Number of windows will be gathered by Rank 0, initiate empty sendbuf = np.empty([stop - start + 1, 3], dtype=float) # Main processing for each rank, read data, process, write adjoint sources for i, evsta_pair in enumerate(evsta_pairs[start: stop + 1]): ev, sta = evsta_pair # Read in synthetic example data st_obs = read_sem(data_path.format(ev=ev, choice="obs", sta=sta), origintime=dummy_time) st_syn = read_sem(data_path.format(ev=ev, choice="syn", sta=sta), origintime=dummy_time) # Standard Pyatoa processing workflow mgmt = Manager(config=config, st_obs=st_obs, st_syn=st_syn) mgmt.standardize() mgmt.preprocess() mgmt.window() mgmt.measure() # Generate plot and adjoint source mgmt.write_adjsrcs(path=adjsrc_path.format(ev=ev), write_blanks=True) mgmt.plot(choice="wav", save=f"{fig_path}/{ev}_{sta}.png", show=False) plt.close() # Save misfit results to send buffer, which will be broadcast to Rank0 sendbuf[i] = np.array([start + i, mgmt.stats.misfit, mgmt.stats.nwin], dtype=float) # Collect all results and write to a single text file if comm.rank == 0: recvbuf = np.empty([len(evsta_pairs), 3], dtype=float) else: recvbuf = None # Gather misfit results from all ranks on Rank 0 comm.Gather(sendbuf, recvbuf, root=0) # Use main rank to write out misfit information and number of windows if comm.rank == 0: with open(results_fid, "w") as f: for result in recvbuf: idx, misfit, nwin = result ev, sta = evsta_pairs[int(idx)] f.write(f"{ev} {sta} {misfit:.2f} {int(nwin)}\n")