Source code for pyatoa.core.manager

#!/usr/bin/env python3
A class to control workflow and temporarily store and manipulate data
import os
import obspy
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pyflex
import pyadjoint
import warnings

from copy import deepcopy
from obspy.signal.filter import envelope
from pyasdf import ASDFWarning

from pyatoa import logger
from pyatoa.core.config import Config
from pyatoa.utils.asdf.add import add_misfit_windows, add_adjoint_sources

from pyatoa.utils.asdf.load import load_windows, load_adjsrcs
from pyatoa.utils.form import channel_code

from pyatoa.utils.process import (apply_filter, trim_streams, zero_pad,
                                  match_npts, normalize, stf_convolve,
from pyatoa.utils.srcrcv import gcd_and_baz
from pyatoa.utils.window import reject_on_global_amplitude_ratio

from pyatoa.scripts.load_example_data import load_example_data

from pyatoa.visuals.wave_maker import WaveMaker
from pyatoa.visuals.map_maker import MapMaker

[docs] class ManagerError(Exception): """ A class-wide custom exception raised when functions fail gracefully """ pass
[docs] class ManagerStats(dict): """ A simple dictionary that can get and set keys as attributes and has a cleaner looking print statement, used for storing internal statistics in the Manager class """ def __init__(self): self.dataset_id = None self.event_id = None self.inv_name = None self.nwin = None self.len_obs = None self.len_syn = None self.misfit = None self.half_dur = None self.time_offset_sec = None self.standardized = False self.obs_processed = False self.syn_processed = False
[docs] def __setattr__(self, key, value): self[key] = value
[docs] def __getattr__(self, key): try: return self[key] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(key)
[docs] def __str__(self): str_ = "" for key, value in self.items(): str_ += f"{key:>15}: {value}\n" return str_[:-1]
[docs] def reset(self): """Convenience function to reset stats to None""" self.__init__()
[docs] class Manager: """ Pyatoas core workflow object. Manager is the central workflow control object. It calls on mid and low level classes to gather data, standardize and preprocess stream objects, generate misfit windows, and calculate adjoint sources. Has a variety of internal sanity checks to ensure that the workflow stays on the rails. """ def __init__(self, config=None, ds=None, event=None, st_obs=None, st_syn=None, inv=None, windows=None, staltas=None, adjsrcs=None, gcd=None, baz=None): """ Initiate the Manager class with or without pre-defined attributes. .. note:: If `ds` is not given in data can only be provided through init or by passing them directly to the Manager. Data will also not be saved. :type config: pyatoa.core.config.Config :param config: configuration object that contains necessary parameters to run through the Pyatoa workflow :type ds: pyasdf.asdf_data_set.ASDFDataSet :param ds: ASDF data set from which to read and write data :type event: obspy.core.event.Event :param event: An event object containing relevant earthquake information :type st_obs: :param st_obs: Stream object containing waveforms of observations :type st_syn: :param st_syn: Stream object containing waveforms of observations :type inv: obspy.core.inventory.Inventory :param inv: Inventory that should only contain the station of interest, it's relevant channels, and response information :type windows: dict of pyflex.Window objects :param windows: misfit windows calculated by Pyflex, stored in a dictionary based on component naming :type adjsrcs: dict of pyadjoint.AdjointSource objects :param adjsrcs: adjoint source waveforms stored in dictionaries :type gcd: float :param gcd: great circle distance between source and receiver in km :type baz: float :param baz: Backazimuth between source and receiver in units of degrees """ self.ds = ds self.inv = inv # Instantiate a Config object if config is not None: self.config = config else:"`config` not provided, initiating empty") self.config = Config() # Ensure any user-provided event is an Event object if isinstance(event, obspy.core.event.catalog.Catalog):"event given as catalog, taking zeroth entry") event = event[0] self.event = event # Try to get origin time information from the event if self.event is not None: origintime = self.event.preferred_origin().time else: origintime = None # Copy Streams to avoid affecting original data if st_obs is not None: self.st_obs = st_obs.copy() else: self.st_obs = None if st_syn is not None: self.st_syn = st_syn.copy() else: self.st_syn = None # Data produced by the workflow self.gcd = gcd self.baz = baz = windows self.staltas = staltas or {} self.adjsrcs = adjsrcs self.rejwins = {} # Internal statistics to keep track of the workflow progress self.stats = ManagerStats() # Run internal checks on data self.check()
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Print statement shows available data detailing workflow """ self.check() return ("Manager Data\n" f" dataset [ds]: {self.stats.dataset_id}\n" f" quakeml [event]: {self.stats.event_id}\n" f" station [inv]: {self.stats.inv_name}\n" f" observed [st_obs]: {self.stats.len_obs}\n" f" synthetic [st_syn]: {self.stats.len_syn}\n" "Stats & Status\n" f" half_dur: {self.stats.half_dur}\n" f" time_offset_sec: {self.stats.time_offset_sec}\n" f" standardized: {self.stats.standardized}\n" f" obs_processed: {self.stats.obs_processed}\n" f" syn_processed: {self.stats.syn_processed}\n" f" nwin [windows]: {self.stats.nwin}\n" f" misfit [adjsrcs]: {self.stats.misfit}\n" )
[docs] def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] def st(self): """ Simplified call to return all streams available, observed and synthetic """ if self.st_syn and self.st_obs: return self.st_syn + self.st_obs elif self.st_syn: return self.st_syn elif self.st_obs: return self.st_obs else: return None
[docs] def check(self): """ (Re)check the stats of the workflow and data within the Manager. Rechecks conditions whenever called, incase something has gone awry mid-workflow. Stats should only be set by this function. """ # Give dataset filename if available if self.stats.dataset_id is None and self.ds is not None: self.stats.dataset_id = os.path.basename(self.ds.filename) # Determine the resource identifier for the Event object if self.stats.event_id is None and self.event is not None: self.stats.event_id = # Get the network and station name from the Inventory object if self.stats.inv_name is None and self.inv is not None: self.stats.inv_name = ".".join([self.inv[0].code, self.inv[0][0].code]) # Check if waveforms are Stream objects, and if preprocessed if self.st_obs is not None: self.stats.len_obs = len(self.st_obs) self.stats.obs_processed = is_preprocessed(self.st_obs) if self.stats.len_obs > len(self.config.component_list): logger.warning("More observed traces than listed components, " "this may need to be reviewed manually") if self.st_syn is not None: self.stats.len_syn = len(self.st_syn) self.stats.syn_processed = is_preprocessed(self.st_syn) if self.stats.len_syn > len(self.config.component_list): logger.warning("More synthetic traces than listed components, " "this may need to be reviewed manually") # Check that component list matches components in streams, else some # functions that rely on will fail to execute if self.st_obs is not None and self.stats.obs_processed: st_obs_comps = [tr.stats.component for tr in self.st_obs] if not set(st_obs_comps).issubset(set(self.config.component_list)): logger.warning(f"`st_obs` components {set(st_obs_comps)} != " f"component list {self.config.component_list}") if self.st_syn is not None and self.stats.syn_processed: st_syn_comps = [tr.stats.component for tr in self.st_syn] if not set(st_syn_comps).issubset(set(self.config.component_list)): logger.warning(f"`st_syn` components {set(st_syn_comps)} != " f"component list {self.config.component_list}") # Check standardization by comparing waveforms against the first if not self.stats.standardized and self.st_obs and self.st_syn: for tr in[1:]: for atr in ["sampling_rate", "npts", "starttime"]: if getattr(tr.stats, atr) != getattr([0].stats, atr): break break else: self.stats.standardized = True # Check for half duration used for source-time-function with synthetics if not self.stats.half_dur and self.event is not None: try: mt = self.event.preferred_focal_mechanism().moment_tensor self.stats.half_dur = mt.source_time_function.duration / 2 except AttributeError: pass # Count how many misfit windows are contained in the dataset if self.stats.nwin is None and is not None: self.stats.nwin = sum([len(_) for _ in]) # Determine the unscaled misfit if not self.stats.misfit and self.adjsrcs is not None: self.stats.misfit = sum([_.misfit for _ in self.adjsrcs.values()])
[docs] def reset(self): """ Restart workflow by deleting all collected data in the Manager, but retain dataset, event, config, so a new station can be processed with the same configuration as the previous workflow. """ self.__init__(ds=self.ds, event=self.event, config=self.config)
[docs] def write_to_dataset(self, ds=None, choice=None): """ Write the data collected inside Manager to an ASDFDataSet :type ds: pyasdf.asdf_data_set.ASDFDataSet or None :param ds: write to a given ASDFDataSet. If None, will look for internal attribute `self.ds` to write to. Allows overwriting to new datasets :type choice: list or None :param choice: choose which internal attributes to write, by default writes all of the following: 'event': Event atttribute as a QuakeML 'inv': Inventory attribute as a StationXML 'st_obs': Observed waveform under tag `config.observed_tag` 'st_syn': Synthetic waveform under tag `config.synthetic_tag` 'windows': Misfit windows collected by Pyflex are stored under `auxiliary_data.MisfitWindow` 'adjsrcs': Adjoint sources created by Pyadjoint are stored under `auxiliary_data.AdjointSources` 'config': the Pyatoa Config object is stored under 'auxiliary_data.Config' and can be used to re-load the Manager and re-do processing """ # Allow using both default and input datasets for writing. Check if we # can actually write to the dataset if ds is None: ds = self.ds if ds is None: logger.warning("no dataset found, cannot write") return elif ds._ASDFDataSet__file.mode == "r": # NOQA logger.warning("dataset opened in read-only mode, cannot write") return if choice is None: choice = ["event", "inv", "st_obs", "st_syn", "windows", "adjsrcs", "config"] if self.event and "event" in choice: try: ds.add_quakeml(self.event) except ValueError: logger.debug("Event already present, not added") if self.inv and "inv" in choice: try: ds.add_stationxml(self.inv) except TypeError: logger.debug("StationXML already present, not added") # Redirect PyASDF 'waveforms already present' warnings for cleaner look if self.st_obs and "st_obs" in choice: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("error") try: ds.add_waveforms(waveform=self.st_obs, tag=self.config.observed_tag) except ASDFWarning: logger.debug(f"{self.config.observed_tag} waveform already " f"present, not added") pass if self.st_syn and "st_syn" in choice: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("error") try: ds.add_waveforms(waveform=self.st_syn, tag=self.config.synthetic_tag) except ASDFWarning: logger.debug(f"{self.config.synthetic_tag} waveform " f"already present, not added") pass if and "windows" in choice: logger.debug("saving misfit windows to ASDFDataSet") add_misfit_windows(, ds, path=self.config.aux_path) if self.adjsrcs and "adjsrcs" in choice: logger.debug("saving adjoint sources to ASDFDataSet") add_adjoint_sources(adjsrcs=self.adjsrcs, ds=ds, path=self.config.aux_path, time_offset=self.stats.time_offset_sec) if self.config and "config" in choice: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("error") try: self.config.write(write_to=ds, fmt="asdf") except ASDFWarning: logger.debug(f"config already present, not added") pass
[docs] def write_adjsrcs(self, path="./", write_blanks=True): """ Write internally stored adjoint source traces into SPECFEM defined two-column ascii files. Filenames are based on what is expected by Specfem, that is: 'NN.SSS.CCC.adj' ..note:: By default writes adjoint sources for ALL components if one component has an adjoint source. If an adjoint sourced doesn't exist for a given component, it will be written with zeros. This is to satisfy SPECFEM3D requirements. :type path: str :param path: path to save the :type write_blanks: bool :param write_blanks: write zeroed out adjoint sources for components with no adjoint sources to meet the requirements of SPECFEM3D. defaults to True """ assert(self.adjsrcs is not None), f"No adjoint sources to write" for adj in self.adjsrcs.values(): fid = f"{}.{adj.station}.{adj.component}.adj" adj.write(filename=os.path.join(path, fid), format="SPECFEM", time_offset=self.stats.time_offset_sec ) if write_blanks: # To see if any blank adjoint sources required, check the difference # between internal component list and components with adjsrcs # Assumed here that everything is in upper case blank_comps = list( set(self.config.component_list).difference( set(self.adjsrcs.keys())) ) if blank_comps: # Deep copy so that zeroing data doesn't affect original data blank_adj = deepcopy(adj) blank_adj.adjoint_source *= 0 for comp in blank_comps: new_adj_comp = f"{adj.component[:-1]}{comp}" fid = f"{}.{adj.station}.{new_adj_comp}.adj" blank_adj.write(filename=os.path.join(path, fid), format="SPECFEM", time_offset=self.stats.time_offset_sec )
[docs] def load(self, code=None, path=None, ds=None, synthetic_tag=None, observed_tag=None, config=True, windows=False, adjsrcs=False): """ Populate the manager using a previously populated ASDFDataSet. Useful for re-instantiating an existing workflow that has already gathered data and saved it to an ASDFDataSet. .. note:: mgmt.load() will return example data with no dataset .. warning:: Loading any floating point values may result in rounding errors. Be careful to round off floating points to the correct place before using in future work. :type code: str :param code: SEED conv. code, e.g. NZ.BFZ.10.HHZ :type path: str :param path: if no Config object is given during init, the User can specify the config path here to load data from the dataset. This skips the need to initiate a separate Config object. :type ds: None or pyasdf.asdf_data_set.ASDFDataSet :param ds: dataset can be given to load from, will not set the ds :type synthetic_tag: str :param synthetic_tag: waveform tag of the synthetic data in the dataset e.g. 'synthetic_m00s00'. If None given, will use `config` attribute. :type observed_tag: str :param observed_tag: waveform tag of the observed data in the dataset e.g. 'observed'. If None given, will use `config` attribute. :type config: bool :param config: load config from the dataset, defaults to True but can be set False if Config should be instantiated by the User :type windows: bool :param windows: load misfit windows from the dataset, defaults to False :type adjsrcs: bool :param adjsrcs: load adjoint sources from the dataset, defaults to False """ if code is None:"loading example data to Manager") self.cfg, self.st_obs, self.st_syn, self.event, self.inv = \ load_example_data() else: # Allows a ds to be provided outside the attribute if self.ds and ds is None: ds = self.ds else: raise TypeError("load requires a Dataset") # If no Config object in Manager, try to load from dataset if config: if path is None: raise TypeError("load requires valid 'path' argument")"loading config from dataset {path}") try: self.config = Config(ds=ds, path=path) except AttributeError: logger.warning(f"no Config object in dataset path: {path}") assert(self.config is not None), "Config object required for load" assert len(code.split('.')) == 2, "'code' must be in form 'NN.SSS'" if windows or adjsrcs: assert(path is not None), "path required to load auxiliary data" iter_, step = path.split("/") # Reset and populate using the dataset self.__init__(config=self.config, ds=ds,[0]) net, sta = code.split('.') sta_tag = f"{net}.{sta}" if sta_tag in ds.waveforms.list(): self.inv = ds.waveforms[sta_tag].StationXML self.st_syn = ds.waveforms[sta_tag][synthetic_tag or self.config.synthetic_tag] self.st_obs = ds.waveforms[sta_tag][observed_tag or self.config.observed_tag] if windows: = load_windows(ds, net, sta, iter_, step, return_previous=False) if adjsrcs: self.adjsrcs = load_adjsrcs(ds, net, sta, iter_, step) else: logger.warning(f"no data for {sta_tag} found in dataset") self.check() return self
[docs] def flow(self, standardize_to="syn", fix_windows=False, iteration=None, step_count=None, **kwargs): """ A convenience function to run the full workflow with a single command. Does not include gathering. Takes kwargs related to all underlying functions. .. code:: python mgmt = Manager() mgmt.flow() == mgmt.standardize().preprocess().window().measure() :type standardize_to: str :param standardize_to: choice of 'obs' or 'syn' to use one of the time series to standardize (resample, trim etc.) the other. :type fix_windows: bool :param fix_windows: if True, will attempt to retrieve saved windows from an ASDFDataSet under the `iteration` and `step_count` tags to use during misfit quantification rather than measuring new windows :type iteration: int or str :param iteration: if 'fix_windows' is True, look for windows in this iteration. If None, will check the latest iteration/step_count in the given dataset :type step_count: int or str :param step_count: if 'fix_windows' is True, look for windows in this step_count. If None, will check the latest iteration/step_count in the given dataset :raises ManagerError: for any controlled exceptions """ if fix_windows: assert(self.ds is not None), \ f"`fix_windows` requires ASDFDataSet `ds`" assert(iteration is not None and step_count is not None), ( f"`fix_windows` requires 'iteration' and 'step_count' to access" f"windows from ASDFDataSet" ) self.standardize(standardize_to=standardize_to) self.preprocess(**kwargs) self.window(fix_windows=fix_windows, iteration=iteration, step_count=step_count) self.measure()
[docs] def flow_multiband(self, periods, standardize_to="syn", fix_windows=False, iteration=None, step_count=None, plot=False, **kwargs): """ Run the full workflow for a number of distinct period bands, returning a final set of adjoint sources generated as a summation of adjoint sources from each of these period bands. Allows for re-using windows collected from the first set of period bands to evaluate adjoint sources from the remaining period bands. .. note:: Kwargs are passed through to Manager.preprocess() function only .. rubric:: Basic Usage Manager.flow_multiband(periods=[(1, 5), (10, 30), (40, 100)]) :type periods: list of tuples :param periods: a list of tuples that define multiple period bands to generate windows and adjoint sources for. Overwrites the Config's internal `min_period` and `max_period` parameters. The final adjoint source will be a summation of all adjoint sources generated. :type standardize_to: str :param standardize_to: choice of 'obs' or 'syn' to use one of the time series to standardize (resample, trim etc.) the other. :type fix_windows: bool :param fix_windows: if True, will attempt to retrieve saved windows from an ASDFDataSet under the `iteration` and `step_count` tags to use during misfit quantification rather than measuring new windows :type iteration: int or str :param iteration: if 'fix_windows' is True, look for windows in this iteration. If None, will check the latest iteration/step_count in the given dataset :type step_count: int or str :param step_count: if 'fix_windows' is True, look for windows in this step_count. If None, will check the latest iteration/step_count in the given dataset :type plot: str :param plot: name of figure if given, will plot waveform and map for each period band and append period band to figure name `plot` :rtype: tuple of dict :return: (windows, adjoint_sources), returns all the collected measurements from each of the period bands :raises ManagerError: for any controlled exceptions """ # Copy these waveforms to overwrite for each new period band st_obs_raw = self.st_obs.copy() st_syn_raw = self.st_syn.copy() # Do preprocessing once since self.check() self.standardize(standardize_to=standardize_to) self.preprocess(**kwargs) tags = [] multiband_adjsrcs, multiband_windows = {}, {} for period in periods: tag = f"{period[0]}-{period[1]}" # e.g., '5-10s' tags.append(tag)"calculating adjoint source period band {tag}s") self.config.min_period, self.config.max_period = period # Standard flow() try: self.check() self.standardize(standardize_to=standardize_to) self.preprocess(**kwargs) self.window(fix_windows=fix_windows, iteration=iteration, step_count=step_count) self.measure() if plot: save = f"{plot}_{tag}.png" self.plot(choice="both", save=save) except ManagerError as e: logger.warning(f"period band {tag}s error {e}, " f"cannot return adjoint source for {tag}") # Save results of the processing step multiband_adjsrcs[tag] = self.adjsrcs or None multiband_windows[tag] = or None # Reset for the next run. Don't do a full reset because that gets # rid of metadata too, which we need for response removal = None self.adjsrcs = None self.st_obs = st_obs_raw.copy() self.st_syn = st_syn_raw.copy() self.stats.reset() # Average all adjoint sources into a single object and collect windows, self.adjsrcs = \ self._combine_mutliband_results(multiband_windows, multiband_adjsrcs)
[docs] def _combine_mutliband_results(self, windows, adjsrcs): """ Function flow_multiband() generates multiple sets of adjoint sources for a variety of period bands, however the User is only interested in a single adjoint source which is the average of all of these adjoint sources. This function will take the multiple sets of adjoint sources and sum them accordingly, returning a single set of AdjointSource objects which can be used the same as any `adjsrc` attribute returned from `measure`. :type adjsrcs: dict of dicts :param adjsrcs: a collection of dictionaries whose keys are the period band set in `flow_multiband(periods)` and whose values are dictionaries returned in `Manager.adjsrcs` from `Manager.measure()` :rtype: (dict of Windows, dict of AdjointSource) :return: a dictionary of Windows, and AdjointSource objects for each component in the componet list. Adjoint sources and misfits are the average of all input `adjsrcs` for the given `periods` range """ adjsrcs_out = {} windows_out = {} for comp in self.config.component_list: n = 0 windows_out[comp] = [] for tag, adjsrc_dict in adjsrcs.items(): # Sometimes adjoint sources are empty for a given period range # which likely means windows are also empty if not adjsrc_dict: continue adjsrc = adjsrc_dict[comp] # Set a template adjoint source whose attrs. that will change if comp not in adjsrcs_out: adjsrcs_out[comp] = deepcopy(adjsrc) adjsrcs_out[comp].min_period = 1E6 # very large number adjsrcs_out[comp].max_period = 0 adjsrcs_out[comp].misfit = 0 adjsrcs_out[comp].window_stats = [] adjsrcs_out[comp].windows = [] adjsrcs_out[comp].adjoint_source = adjsrc.adjoint_source * 0 # Windows are easy, simply append Windows objects to a list try: windows_out[comp] += windows[tag][comp] except TypeError: pass # Set internal attributes as collections of other attributes adjsrcs_out[comp].min_period = min(adjsrc.min_period, adjsrcs_out[comp].min_period) adjsrcs_out[comp].max_period = max(adjsrc.max_period, adjsrcs_out[comp].max_period) adjsrcs_out[comp].misfit += adjsrc.misfit adjsrcs_out[comp].windows += adjsrcs_out[comp].window_stats += adjsrc.window_stats adjsrcs_out[comp].adjoint_source += adjsrc.adjoint_source n += 1 # Normalize based on the number of input adjoint sources adjsrcs_out[comp].misfit /= n adjsrcs_out[comp].adjoint_source /= n return windows_out, adjsrcs_out
[docs] def standardize(self, force=False, standardize_to="syn", normalize_to=None): """ Standardize the observed and synthetic traces in place. Ensures Streams have the same starttime, endtime, sampling rate, npts. :type force: bool :param force: allow the User to force the function to run even if checks say that the two Streams are already standardized :type standardize_to: str :param standardize_to: allows User to set which Stream conforms to which by default the Observed traces should conform to the Synthetic ones because exports to Specfem should be controlled by the Synthetic sampling rate, npts, etc. Choices are 'obs' and 'syn'. :type normalize_to: str :param normalize_to: allow for normalizing the amplitudes of the two traces. Choices are: 'obs': normalize synthetic waveforms to the max amplitude of obs 'syn': normalize observed waveform to the max amplitude of syn 'one': normalize both waveforms so that their max amplitude is 1 """ self.check() if not self.stats.len_obs or not self.stats.len_syn: raise ManagerError("cannot standardize, not enough waveform data") elif self.stats.standardized and not force:"data already standardized") return self"standardizing time series") # If observations starttime after synthetic, zero pad the front of obs dt_st = self.st_obs[0].stats.starttime - self.st_syn[0].stats.starttime if dt_st > 0: self.st_obs = zero_pad(self.st_obs, dt_st, before=True, after=False) # Match sampling rates only if they differ if self.st_syn[0].stats.sampling_rate != \ self.st_obs[0].stats.sampling_rate: if standardize_to == "syn": self.st_obs.resample(self.st_syn[0].stats.sampling_rate) else: self.st_syn.resample(self.st_obs[0].stats.sampling_rate) # Match start and endtimes self.st_obs, self.st_syn = trim_streams( st_a=self.st_obs, st_b=self.st_syn, force={"obs": "a", "syn": "b"}[standardize_to] ) # Match the number of samples self.st_obs, self.st_syn = match_npts( st_a=self.st_obs, st_b=self.st_syn, force={"obs": "a", "syn": "b"}[standardize_to] ) # Allow normalization of waveform amplitudes to one another or to # a given value if normalize_to is not None: self.st_obs, self.st_syn = normalize( st_a=self.st_obs, st_b=self.st_syn, choice={"obs": "a", "syn": "b", "one": "one"}[normalize_to] ) # Determine if synthetics start before the origintime if hasattr(self.st_syn[0].stats, "time_offset"): self.stats.time_offset_sec = self.st_syn[0].stats.time_offset elif self.event is not None: self.stats.time_offset_sec = (self.st_syn[0].stats.starttime - self.event.preferred_origin().time ) else: logger.warning("cannot find information relating to synthetic time " "offset. Setting to 0") self.stats.time_offset_sec = 0"syn time offset == {self.stats.time_offset_sec}s") # Calculate epicentral distance and backazimuth if self.event and self.inv: self.gcd, self.baz = gcd_and_baz(event=self.event, sta=self.inv[0][0]) self.stats.standardized = True return self
[docs] def preprocess(self, which="both", filter_=True, corners=2, remove_response=False, taper_percentage=0.05, zerophase=True, normalize_to=None, convolve_with_stf=True, half_duration=None, **kwargs): """ Apply a simple, default preprocessing scheme to observed and synthetic waveforms in place. Default preprocessing tasks: Remove response (optional), rotate (optional), filter, convolve with source time function (optional) User is free to skip this step and perform their own preprocessing on `Manager.st_obs` and `Manager.st_syn` if they require their own unique processing workflow. :type which: str :param which: "obs", "syn" or "both" to choose which stream to process defaults to "both" :type filter_: bool :param filter_: filter data using Config.min_period and Config.max_period with `corners` filter corners. Apply tapers and demeans before and after application of filter. :type taper_percentage: float :param taper_percentage: percentage [0, 1] of taper to apply to head and tail of the data before and after preprocessing :type corners: int :param corners: number of filter corners to apply if `filter`==True :type zerophase: bool :param zerophase: apply a zerophase filter (True) or not (False). Zerophase filters are run back and forth meaning no phase shift is applied, but more waveform distorition may be present. :type remove_response: bool :param remove_response: flag, remove instrument response from 'obs' type data using the provided `inv`. Defaults to False. Kwargs are passed directly to the the ObsPy `remove_response` function. See ObsPy docs for available options. :type convolve_with_stf: bool :param convolve_with_stf: flag, convolve 'syn' type data with a Gaussian source time function to mimic a finite source. Used when half half duration in seismic simulations is set to 0. Defaults to True and relies on parameters `half_duration` :type half_duration: float :param half_duration: Source time function half duration in units of seconds. Only used if `convolve_with_stf`==True :type normalize_to: str :param normalize_to: allow for normalizing the amplitudes of the two traces. Choices are: 'obs': normalize synthetic waveforms to the max amplitude of obs 'syn': normalize observed waveform to the max amplitude of syn 'one': normalize both waveforms so that their max amplitude is 1 """ if which.lower() == "obs": preproc_list = {"obs": self.st_obs} elif which.lower() == "syn": preproc_list = {"syn": self.st_syn} else: preproc_list = {"obs": self.st_obs, "syn": self.st_syn} # Apply preprocessing in-place on streams for key, st in preproc_list.items(): # Remove response from 'obs' type data only if remove_response: if (key == "obs" and self.config.st_obs_type == "obs") or ( key == "syn" and self.config.st_syn_type == "obs"): st.remove_response(inventory=self.inv, plot=False, **kwargs) # Detrend and taper pre-filter st.detrend("simple") st.detrend("demean") st.taper(taper_percentage) if self.config.rotate_to_rtz and self.baz is not None:"rotate {key} NE->RT by {self.baz} degrees") st.rotate(method="NE->RT", back_azimuth=self.baz) if filter_ and (self.config.min_period or self.config.max_period):"filtering {key} {self.config.min_period}--" f"{self.config.max_period}") apply_filter(st=st, min_period=self.config.min_period, max_period=self.config.max_period, corners=corners, zerophase=zerophase ) # Detrend and taper post filter st.detrend("simple") st.detrend("demean") st.taper(taper_percentage) # Convolve waveform with source time function for `syn` type data if convolve_with_stf and half_duration: if (key == "obs" and self.config.st_obs_type == "syn") or ( key == "syn" and self.config.st_syn_type == "syn"): stf_convolve(st=st, half_duration=half_duration) # Allow normalization of waveform amplitudes to one another or to # a given value if normalize_to is not None: self.st_obs, self.st_syn = normalize( st_a=self.st_obs, st_b=self.st_syn, choice={"obs": "a", "syn": "b", "one": "one"}[normalize_to] ) # Set stats post preprocessing self.stats.obs_processed = is_preprocessed(self.st_obs) self.stats.syn_processed = is_preprocessed(self.st_syn) self.stats.len_obs = len(self.st_obs) self.stats.len_syn = len(self.st_syn) return self
[docs] def window(self, fix_windows=False, iteration=None, step_count=None, force=False): """ Evaluate misfit windows using Pyflex. Save windows to ASDFDataSet. Allows previously defined windows to be retrieved from ASDFDataSet. .. note:: * Windows are stored as dictionaries of pyflex.Window objects. * All windows are saved into the ASDFDataSet, even if retrieved. * STA/LTA information is collected and stored internally. :type fix_windows: bool :param fix_windows: do not pick new windows, but load windows from the given dataset from 'iteration' and 'step_count' :type iteration: int or str :param iteration: if 'fix_windows' is True, look for windows in this iteration. If None, will check the latest iteration/step_count in the given dataset :type step_count: int or str :param step_count: if 'fix_windows' is True, look for windows in this step_count. If None, will check the latest iteration/step_count in the given dataset :type force: bool :param force: ignore flag checks and run function, useful if e.g. external preprocessing is used that doesn't meet flag criteria """ # Pre-check to see if data has already been standardized self.check() if not self.stats.standardized and not force: raise ManagerError("cannot window, waveforms not standardized") # Determine how to treat fixed windows if fix_windows and not self.ds: logger.warning("cannot fix window, no dataset") fix_windows = False elif fix_windows and (iteration is None or step_count is None): # If no iteration/step_count values are given, automatically search # the previous step_count for windows in relation to the current # iteration/step_count iteration = self.config.iteration step_count = self.config.step_count return_previous = True else: # If fix windows and iteration/step_count are given, search the # dataset for windows under the current iteration/step_count return_previous = False # Synthetic STA/LTA as Pyflex WindowSelector.calculate_preliminaries() for comp in self.config.component_list: try: self.staltas[comp] = pyflex.stalta.sta_lta( data=envelope([0].data),[0], min_period=self.config.min_period ) except IndexError: continue # Find misfit windows, from a dataset or through window selection if fix_windows: self.retrieve_windows(iteration, step_count, return_previous) else: self.select_windows_plus()"{self.stats.nwin} window(s) total found") return self
[docs] def retrieve_windows(self, iteration, step_count, return_previous): """ Mid-level window selection function that retrieves windows from a PyASDF Dataset, recalculates window criteria, and attaches window information to Manager. No access to rejected window information. :type iteration: int or str :param iteration: retrieve windows from the given iteration :type step_count: int or str :param step_count: retrieve windows from the given step count in the given dataset :type return_previous: bool :param return_previous: if True: return windows from the previous step count in relation to the given iteration/step_count. if False: return windows from the given iteration/step_count """"retrieving windows from dataset") net, sta, _, _ = self.st_obs[0].get_id().split(".") # Function will return empty dictionary if no acceptable windows found windows = load_windows(ds=self.ds, net=net, sta=sta, iteration=iteration, step_count=step_count, return_previous=return_previous ) # Recalculate window criteria for new values for cc, tshift, dlnA etc... logger.debug("recalculating window criteria") for comp, windows_ in windows.items(): try: d =[0].data s =[0].data for w, win in enumerate(windows_): # Post the old and new values to the logger for sanity check logger.debug(f"{comp}{w}_old - " f"cc:{win.max_cc_value:.2f} / " f"dt:{win.cc_shift:.1f} / " f"dlnA:{win.dlnA:.2f}") win._calc_criteria(d, s) logger.debug(f"{comp}{w}_new - " f"cc:{win.max_cc_value:.2f} / " f"dt:{win.cc_shift:.1f} / " f"dlnA:{win.dlnA:.2f}") # IndexError thrown when trying to access an empty Stream except IndexError: continue = windows self.stats.nwin = sum(len(_) for _ in
[docs] def select_windows_plus(self): """ Mid-level custom window selection function that calls Pyflex select windows, but includes additional window suppression functionality. Includes custom Pyflex addition of outputting rejected windows, which will be used internally for plotting. .. note:: Pyflex will throw a ValueError if the arrival of the P-wave is too close to the initial portion of the waveform, considered the 'noise' section. This happens for short source-receiver distances (< 100km). This error becomes a PyflexError if no event/station attributes are provided to the WindowSelector We could potentially deal with this by zero-padding the waveforms, and running select_windows() again, but for now we just raise a ManagerError and allow processing to continue """"windowing waveforms with Pyflex") nwin, window_dict, reject_dict = 0, {}, {} for comp in self.config.component_list: try: obs =[0] syn =[0] # IndexError thrown when trying to access an empty Stream except IndexError: continue # Pyflex throws a TauP warning from ObsPy #2280, ignore that with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning) ws = pyflex.WindowSelector(observed=obs, synthetic=syn, config=self.config.pyflex_config, event=self.event, station=self.inv) try: windows = ws.select_windows() except (IndexError, pyflex.PyflexError): # see docstring note for why this error is to be addressed raise ManagerError("Cannot window, most likely because " "the source-receiver distance is too " "small w.r.t the minimum period") # Suppress windows that contain low-amplitude signals if self.config.win_amp_ratio > 0: windows, ws.rejects["amplitude"] = \ reject_on_global_amplitude_ratio(, windows=windows, ratio=self.config.win_amp_ratio ) # ================================================================== # NOTE: Additional windowing criteria may be added here if necessary # ================================================================== if windows: window_dict[comp] = windows if ws.rejects: reject_dict[comp] = ws.rejects # Count windows and tell User"{comp}: {len(windows)} window(s)") nwin += len(windows) = window_dict self.rejwins = reject_dict self.stats.nwin = nwin
[docs] def measure(self, force=False): """ Measure misfit and calculate adjoint sources using PyAdjoint. Method for caluculating misfit set in Config, Pyadjoint expects standardized traces with the same spectral content, so this function will not run unless these flags are passed. Returns a dictionary of adjoint sources based on component. Saves resultant dictionary to a pyasdf dataset if given. .. note:: Pyadjoint returns an unscaled misfit value for an entire set of windows. To return a "total misfit" value as defined by Tape (2010) Eq. 6, the total summed misfit will need to be scaled by the number of misfit windows chosen in Manager.window(). :type force: bool :param force: ignore flag checks and run function, useful if e.g. external preprocessing is used that doesn't meet flag criteria """ self.check() if self.config.adj_src_type is None:"adjoint source type is 'None', will not measure") return # Check that data has been filtered and standardized if not self.stats.standardized and not force: raise ManagerError("cannot measure misfit, not standardized") elif self.stats.nwin == 0 and not force: raise ManagerError("cannot measure misfit, no windows recovered") logger.debug(f"measure misfit of type: {self.config.adj_src_type}") # Create list of windows needed for Pyadjoint adjoint_windows = self._format_windows() # Run Pyadjoint to retrieve adjoint source objects total_misfit, adjoint_sources = 0, {} for comp, adj_win in adjoint_windows.items(): try: adj_src = pyadjoint.calculate_adjoint_source( config=self.config.pyadjoint_config,[0],[0], windows=adj_win, plot=False ) # Re-format component name to reflect SPECFEM convention adj_src.component = f"{channel_code(adj_src.dt)}X{comp}" # Save adjoint sources in dictionary object. Sum total misfit adjoint_sources[comp] = adj_src"{comp}: {adj_src.misfit:.3f} misfit") total_misfit += adj_src.misfit except IndexError: continue # Save adjoint source internally and to dataset self.adjsrcs = adjoint_sources # Run check to get total misfit self.check()"total misfit == {self.stats.misfit:.3f}") return self
[docs] def _format_windows(self): """ In `pyadjoint.calculate_adjoint_source`, the window needs to be a list of lists, with each list containing the [left_window, right_window] Each window argument should be given in units of time (seconds). :rtype: dict of list of lists :return: dictionary with key related to individual components, and corresponding to a list of lists containing window start and end """ adjoint_windows = {} if is not None: for comp, window in adjoint_windows[comp] = [] dt =[0] # Prepare Pyflex window indices to give to Pyadjoint for win in window: # Window units given in seconds adj_win = [win.left * dt, win.right * dt] adjoint_windows[comp].append(adj_win) # If no windows given, calculate adjoint source on whole trace else: logger.debug("no windows given, adjoint sources will be " "calculated on full trace") for comp in self.config.component_list: dt =[0] npts =[0].stats.npts # We offset the bounds of the entire trace by 1s to play nice # with PyAdjoints quirky method of generating the adjsrc. # The assumption being the end points will be zero anyway adjoint_windows[comp] = [[1, npts * dt-1]] return adjoint_windows
[docs] def plot(self, choice="both", save=None, show=True, corners=None, figsize=None, dpi=100, **kwargs): """ Plot observed and synthetics waveforms, misfit windows, STA/LTA and adjoint sources for all available components. Append information about misfit, windows and window selection. Also as subplot create a source receiver map which contains annotated information detailing src-rcv relationship like distance and BAz. Options to plot either or. For valid key word arguments see `visuals.manager_plotter` and `visuals.map_maker` :type show: bool :param show: show the plot once generated, defaults to False :type save: str :param save: absolute filepath and filename if figure should be saved :param corners: {lat_min, lat_max, lon_min, lon_max} corners to cut the map to, otherwise a global map is provided :type choice: str :param choice: choice for what to plot: * 'wav': plot waveform figure only * 'map': plot a source-receiver map only * 'both' (default): plot waveform and source-receiver map together :type figsize: tuple :param figsize: optional size of the figure, set by plot() :type dpi: int :param dpi: optional dots per inch (resolution) of figure """ self.check() # Precheck for correct data to plot if choice in ["wav", "both"] and not self.stats.standardized: raise ManagerError("cannot plot waveforms, not standardized") if choice in ["map", "both"] and (self.inv is None or self.event is None): logger.warning("cannot plot map, no event and/or inv found") choice = "wav" # Plot only waveform if choice == "wav": wm = WaveMaker(mgmt=self, **kwargs) wm.plot(show=show, save=save) plt.close() # Plot only map elif choice == "map": mm = MapMaker(inv=self.inv, cat=self.event, corners=corners, **kwargs) mm.plot(show=show, save=save) plt.close() # Plot waveform and map on the same figure elif choice == "both": if figsize is None: figsize = (1400 / dpi, 600 / dpi) # Create an overlying GridSpec that will contain both plots gs = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, wspace=0.25, hspace=0.) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) # Plot the waveform on the left wm = WaveMaker(mgmt=self) wm.plot(figure=fig, subplot_spec=gs[0], show=False, save=False, **kwargs) # Plot the map on the right mm = MapMaker(cat=self.event, inv=self.inv, figsize=figsize, figure=fig, gridspec=gs, corners=corners, **kwargs) mm.plot(figure=fig, gridspec=gs, show=False, save=None) if save: plt.savefig(save) if show: else: plt.close() # One final shutdown of all figures just incase plt.close("all")